OGS – HIGH CBD Hemp Seed Moving to Willamette Valley Hemp Seed
All High CBD hemp seed sales moving to Willamette Valley Hemp Seed.
Many of you remember when I went live with Oregon Green Seed and its little online seed shop back in mid 2011. Since then, I’ve added previously unreleased cultivars into the shop every fall, and several other cultivars throughout the year.
With the release of our HIGH CBD, no measurable THC line a couple years ago, the OGS shop is now chock full of varieties available in seed form, from purely recreational to purely medicinal.
To make things more manageable to navigate for medical customers, I launched our sister site over a year ago – WillametteValleyHempSeed.com – with the idea that it would eventually become the online shop for all of my Medicinal cultivars, and particularly our HIGH CBD, no measurable THC seed offerings.
That day has finally come. All our CBD and medicinal seed varieties are now available from Willamette Valley Hemp Seed shop.
Over the next few few weeks I will be gradually removing these listing from Oregon Green Seed. Once they are gone, customers will only be able to find and place orders for any of our ODA compliant, High CBD no measurable THC seeds from the medicinal shop at our sister site, Willamette Valley Hemp Seed.
Many thanks to all our customers for the epic support you’ve shown Oregon Green Seed since 2011.