bags of hemp seed

Oregon Green Seed – Seed Company to Seed Bank.

I’m sure most of you have noticed by now that there are a couple other seed companies listed in the shop.

A few months ago I decided to list some other seed companies in the Oregon Green Seed shop.  I guess that means that I’m turning the site into a ‘seedbank’.  But there will not be a bazillion breeders/seed companies represented here.  Instead, I’m interested in quality, unique varieties from breeders and small seed companies located right here in the Pacific Northwest of the USA.

I believe buying from and supporting local breeders whenever possible is always best.   There are some stellar genetics being  worked by hard-working breeders in Oregon, California, Washington state, Colorado and environs — And getting some of this gear in the OGS shop is a great way for me to support them and also give OGS customers access to more great genetics for their gardens.

I will introduce the breeders/seed companies new to the shop in another post.    For now, I hope you enjoy the added selections to choose from.