Paying With Money Order — What Is the Payee Area and Why Leave it Blank?
OGS is already into the PEAK season for seed sales — it started a full 8 weeks earlier this year than any previous year.
Along with that, many customers are opting to send a money order over cash for payment. Unfortunately, I’m having to return over half of these money orders because the Payee area has NOT been left blank, as instructed.
Below is an image of the typical Western Union money order. Be aware that there are several other money orders, such as from the post office, grocery store, etc… and these will have a slightly different layout, but essentially the same entries.
1 – Area 1 in above photo is the ‘payee area’ – you will leave this blank.
2 – Area two is where you, the purchaser (payer), inputs address.
3 — Area three is for purchaser signature.
If you are using a money order as payment for your order, PLEASE note that YOU are the PAYER, and the entity that you are paying (for goods purchased) is the PAYEE. Simple enough, eh?
So it should be even simpler to understand that when instructed to LEAVE THE PAYEE BLANK, you Must Not write anything in the ‘pay to the order of’ area. You MUST leave that line blank or your money order is not useable and will be returned to you.
There is NO mystery why you must leave this area blank, or not fill in the ‘Pay to the Order Of’. But for those of you who are in a fog, here’s why.
Although more states are legalizing medical and recreational marijuana, its all still very illegal on the Federal level. And guess what!! All financial institutions in the USA are governed by federal guidelines, whether they are in a legal state or not. Any and all cannabis-related businesses in the United States are legally barred from opening a bank account. The banks won’t allow it because they would be breaking federal guidelines and ultimately, the law. The Fed could and would shut them down.
If you’ve been into ANY dispensary in this country, you know that CASH is the only accepted form of payment. And it is no different for any online seed shop located in the US.
So until such time that this wonderful and beneficial plant becomes legal federally, we have NO way to get a bank account and accept checks, money orders, or CC payment in our business name — Even though OGS is legal, licensed, and residing in a legal state. That only leaves cash or money order as payment option.
With seeds flying off the shelf fast now, there is the risk that your order will be automatically cancelled before you can RESEND payment, which can result in what you ordered being out of stock by the time you reorder.
Please, read the payment instructions that are included with your order confirmation email, your order invoice, and/or on the FAQ page. Read the instructions carefully and FOLLOW them. It helps me help you get the seed your ordered, and in a timely manner.