OGS 2014 Holiday Schedule

Oregon Green Seed holiday schedule — the OGS office and shipping department will be closing for the holiday break – beginning @ 4:30PM this Friday, December 19.  We will resume as normal again on January 6th.

The online seed shop will be open and orders can be placed.  But the office, shipping, and online payment option will be closed during this time.  There will be no telephone/email support, nor will orders be filled and shipped during this time.

Although customers will have full access to the online shop, and orders can be placed safely and securely, customers will need to send payment by mail for orders placed during this time (per ‘by mail’ payment instructions).

Any order made during this time for which we have received payment will be sorted and filled in the order received, beginning January 6th.

A big thanks to OGS customers for making this first year online such a pleasure and huge success.  I’ve spoken with and even met such wonderful people over this year — people who share my passion for the plant we call cannabis.  All that hard work over the last few decades is beginning to have an impact on not just folks here in Oregon and Washington, but people all over the USA.

Wishing you all a most merry Christmas and happy New Year.   Crikey!  Its almost 2015.